Method for Payment of Participation Fee

 Amount Payable

◆Method for Payment of Participation PDF for print

Method for Payment of Participation Fee for 2024.pdf

Credit card payment

You can pay by credit card. If you want to pay multiple applications at once, please pay by postal transfer. Please select the "Card Payment" button on the registration closing screen and make your payment. If you have already completed your registration, please select "Credit Card Payment" on the application page to make your payment. We will send you a confirmation email after your payment is completed.

Postal transfer (Haraikomi Toriatsukai Hyo)

When paying a fee at a branch of Japan Post Bank Company, please make payment by writing the following information in the message column of the payment handling form (blue form for ordinary payments) available at any branch of Japan Post Bank Company, referring to the sample provided on the attached sheet.

1.Information of Applicant (Payment for plural persons can also be made)

*When collectively paying for plural persons, please be certain to write full names, registration Nos. and application types for all persons involved in the payment.

*Please write the full name of a lecturer or a person himself or herself attending lecture in the “Full Name of Participant” column.

*Those who have applied for participation in the social event in advance are requested to kindly pay the fee for the social event and convention participation fee collectively.

2.Full name, address and phone No. (the phone No. the convention staff can contact during the daytime such as a cell phone No.) of the payer


・Account No.:01700-1-166237

・Subscriber Name:電気情報関係学会九州支部連合大会

※Subscriber name must be written in Japanese only.

4.Money Transfer Fee (The participants are requested to pay the money transfer fee.)
  ◎Payment through Telle ¥203/◎Payment through ATM ¥152  (※ Less Than¥50,000)

【Caution on Payment through ATM (Automated Teller Machine)】

If you have a general account with a branch of Japan Post Bank Company, payment can be made without paying a money transfer fee and without completing a payment handling form by processing payment through an ATM. However, the Kyushu Section checks payments received by collating the foregoing information supplied by the payers. When paying collectively for plural persons, therefore, please pay only through the payment handling form (Haraikomi Toriatsukai Hyo).

Please click “Remittance” (ご送金) on the ATM screen, select “Remittance through payment handling form” (払込用紙でご送金), insert a payment handling form in the ATM and complete the procedures by following the directions displayed on the ATM screen.

【Sample for Completing Payment Handling Form (Haraikomi Toriatsukai Hyo) 】

【Sample for Completing Payment Handling Form  (Haraikomi Toriatsukai Hyo) For Plural Persons】

 Bank transfer

However, if it is difficult to pay at a post office due to time constraints, we will accept payment by bank transfer only under the following conditions. Please be sure to confirm the following.

Name of Bank 179Branch (イチナナキュウ店) of Japan Post Bank

AccountCurrent Account No. 0166327

Payee テ゛ンキシ゛ョウホウカンケイカ゛ッカイキュウシュウシフ゛レン

*Input of the payee name only up to the last character that can be input in the space provided is acceptable.